Indoor and backyard pet photography sessions are my absolute favorite thing, and they’re not nearly as crazy as they sound.

You know you love the idea - you’ve seen other folks’ in-home photographs, and they just seem so meaningful and organic. Families in their own space, loving on their fur babies - I mean, what could be better?

You see the advantages - no leaving the house, nor having to worry about your pet being distracted outdoors, and knowing the photos will be catching memories, as well as being artful and beautiful. Still, you have some questions, and maybe even a few reservations.

What would having someone come to our house even be like?

Are in-home sessions really for everyone..?

Well. This is my favourite topic, so sit down and get comfy while I spill. : )

so what are in-home and backyard sessions like?

cat, dog and pet photographer
calgary, airdrie, chestermere, okotoks & cochrane

First, know that in-home pet photography is ahhhh-mazing.

It’s completely chill, pet led, and LOTS of fun.


I’ll come over, we’ll swoon over your fur kids for an hour or two, and by the end of it, we’ll have made a record of your deepest love; one of the most formative and soul shaping relationships of your lovely, lovely life.

Pretty awesome, right?!

Is in-home photography for everyone, though..?

Honestly? No, it’s not.

In-home photography is for families who want photographs that will show them being together in a way that is connected, imperfect and natural.

It’s for folk who wish to have a lasting record of their lives right now; imagery that will capture something of what life is currently like, in the space within which your belonging to one another is acutely bound - your happy home.

In-home photography is for sentimental folk, nostalgic folk, romantic folk.

It’s for those who want to keep things simple, who understand and appreciate the startling beauty of their ordinary lives, and for those who are bound by the importance of family. In-home photography is for those who are led by love, and matters of the heart.

Suspect (or know in your gut) that this is you?

Hello there. Welcome.

YOU my friend, are my people. : ) 

Now, let me answer for you a few more frequently asked questions!

Does my pet need to be perfectly trained?
Of course not! (And also, no one’s pet is perfectly trained!) I have worked with all different kinds of temperaments and have a number of tricks up my sleeve. I also have copious amounts of patience. I carve out 4 hours for my sessions and have no problem hanging out while someone comes out from hiding or someone else gets their zoomies out!

Will we get a photograph of us all as a family?
Yes, of course! This will likely be the first opportunity you’ll have had to be in a pretty photograph of your whole family together, so we absolutely need to get that photo! No matter how many pets you have, we’ll do what we need to do to get that all too special shot. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, so don’t you worry!

I’m worried we won’t know what to do.
Please don’t stress about this - this is the very reason you’ve brought in a professional. I will guide you throughout the session, suggesting where might be best to stand and knowing how to position yourself and your pets. This is a first for you and I’ll be there to hold your hand all the way. : )

…but my home doesn’t have great light.
 As long as you have one window in your entire house it’s going to be completely fine. I’m well versed in all lighting conditions and after shooting in hundreds of houses, sight unseen, I’ve never met a house in which I couldn’t make beautiful photographs.

…but my home isn’t very pretty.
 Please please please remember the reason we are making these photographs - to capture the connection between you and your babies. Almost everyone I work with is at least mildly self-conscious about their home. This is not about having the best house or Insta worthy photographs, and it’s not going to matter. I’m coming to photograph you and your family.

My focus and emphasis will be connection, emotion, details - not your sofa, or other multifarious fine home furnishings. However you feel about it, this is your home. Perhaps your forever home, maybe your just right now home, possibly your halfway finished home. Regardless, it IS the home you and your bestie(s) lived in. It’s a part of you and it’s a part of them, and for that reason alone it is exactly and unequivocally perfect.

How it works
We schedule a time to have a free phone consultation so we can plan your session.

In less than 6 weeks after the photo session, I will send an fully edited online gallery from which you will choose all the photos you love the most and that you'd like to purchase.

If you’d like to see some previous sessions, head on over to my portfolio!




Crystals services were worth every penny and more. We are extremely grateful to have worked with her and will cherish our images.




Crystal was fantastic to work with and so patient with our dogs.

- jenn



She was willing to do everything she could to ensure we captured as many special memories possible.

- Diana



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